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Higher dental patient revenue within a week? Let's talk about it

September 16th, 2024 | 7 min. read

Higher dental patient revenue within a week? Let's talk about it Blog Feature

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With automated dental patient billing solutions, you can begin to recover lost revenue in just a few days, your patients will appreciate the added convenience, and your dental team will be freed up to provide a better patient experience — win-win-win.

When patients think about dental appointments, they often think about what it’s going to cost them. For anything more than an ordinary cleaning, insurance only pays about half of the treatment, so it’s typically more out of pocket for patients. 

Dentistry IQ explains the challenge of patient revenue for both patients and your team: 

“Why do many people cancel or avoid dental appointments? Often it’s their fear of the high costs. On the flipside of that, the fear of presenting fees causes many dental team members to dread or avoid presenting treatment plans and asking for payment. These fears are not helping patients or the practice.” 

Their combined fears aren't just detrimental to patient care — they're hurting your practice's bottom line.

Low collection rates and delayed payments are common challenges in dental practices. These financial sinkholes can disrupt cash flow, strain your team's efficiency, and ultimately, make it impossible for your practice to grow and thrive.

But don’t worry! We have a solution that will provide you with fast results and more consistent cash flow. 

Our automated patient billing solution will help your practice collect more revenue, typically within just a week, thanks to a guaranteed 72-hour set up. It might seem too good to be true, but that’s what DCS Patient Billing customers are experiencing. Let us explain in this article… 

Key takeaways about getting higher and faster patient revenue with automated patient billing: 

  • The more convenient it is for patients to pay you, the faster you’ll see revenue 
  • You don’t sacrifice a personal touch with patients when you automate your patient billing — quite the contrary!
  • Our patient billing solution can be set up and start collecting for you within just a few days

Does your patient billing need an update? Probably. Here’s why…

Traditional dental billing processes often rely on outdated methods, such as mailing paper statements and waiting for payment to arrive as a check. This approach is not only slow, but it also creates unnecessary hurdles for both patients and your team.

Your team worries:

  • Did the mailed statement even arrive at the right location?
  • Did the patient open the envelope?
  • Did the payment reminder accidentally get thrown away?

Your patient worries:

  • Did the payment arrive?
  • Did my payment get lost in a pile of paperwork?
  • Did the check clear?

Not to mention the added administrative headache traditional patient billing gives your in-house team — mailing out paper bills, following up with patients, sending out reminders, and manually tracking payments is time-consuming and stressful. After all, your team knows that accurate and effective completion of these steps directly impacts your dental business’ bottom line!

This traditional approach doesn’t align with modern consumer expectations for ease and convenience. In fact, it makes it much harder for your dental business to collect payments efficiently — and quickly. DSC06719

Read more: Master dental patient collections process for profitability: 3 smart tips

In today’s fast-paced world, most people are accustomed to making payments online with just a few clicks, whether they’re shopping, paying bills, or managing their finances.

It’s a best business practice to keep up with changing technology. If your team is still mailing out statements and reminders: it’s time for an update! 

Automated patient billing: Simplifying payments for your patients and your team

Your one-stop remedy for outdated patient billing practices is: Automated solutions. 

Automated patient billing solutions like DCS Patient Billing streamline and simplify the payment process, making it easier for your patients to pay promptly, and for your practice to collect more payments in less time. 

DCS offers an automated patient billing solution that will have you collecting more from your patients within a week, thanks to its quick and simple set up. When you utilize DCS Patient Billing, you’ll provide a better patient experience, collect more from patients, and reduce the ongoing busy work that manual patient billing requires from your team. 

Let’s explain how…

Collect more and collect faster from dental patients: Here’s how…

When you use DCS Patient Billing services, the entire process is automated: from after-insurance calculations, to statements and reminders, to the direct deposit to your bank. This provides convenience for your patients, and also frees up your team to provide better patient care. 

Our patient billing solution includes: 

  • Issue payment links as soon as the balance is known (no manual processing)
  • Instant outreach with email and text messages
  • Automatic follow-up with regular friendly reminders by email or text
  • Accept payment from all major credit cards and wallet apps, whether using mobile, tablet, or desktop computer
  • Zero paper statements, reminders, or payment stubs
  • Monitor direct deposits and outstanding balances

Read more: Patient Billing Made Easy: Watch How Automation Improves Dental Practices

What’s unique about the DCS Patient Billing solution is how fast you’ll see cash flow.

Our insurance billing solution, for example, takes more time to produce results because of how long it takes for insurance to pay on claims and appeals— our team works quickly, but it will still take at least 3 weeks to start seeing the insurance revenue. 

But with DCS Patient Billing, you’ll see an influx of revenue within a week.

As soon as your patient gets that automatic payment reminder on their phone or in email with a link to pay right then and there? Well, they’re likely to pay right away!

Here’s a real-world example: A dental practice in Hudson, Ohio started with DCS Patient Billing in May 2023. Just over a year later, her office had collected $281,817 through our automated patient billing solutions that were hands-free for her dental team, and clearly a hit with her patients. With DCS Patient Billing costs at only $4,704, she saw a 3,474% ROI.

And the benefits of automated patient billing go beyond revenue. You’ll also see: 

  • Happier patients. A modern, convenient billing process aligns with patient expectations, leading to higher satisfaction and a smoother overall patient experience.
  • A balanced team. By reducing the manual workload, your team can dedicate more time to patient interactions, such as treatment presentations and other essential tasks.
  • A modernized practice. Implementing automated billing is a step towards modernizing your practice, setting you apart from competitors who are still stuck in the old ways.

Lisa Metzen, DDS PA of Eagle Ridge Dental shares her experience: 

“We switched our patient billing to DCS, and it has been so much more efficient than our admin staff mailing statements and following up! It is convenient for our patients and balances are being paid much quicker than before.”

Will you get quicker patient revenue like Eagle Ridge Dental? It’s time to find out…

Run with our patient billing solution: Here’s what to do now

To recap, DCS Patient Billing is a best practice for your dental business because it: 

  • Is automated and easy: Your patients are contacted by text and email the instant their balance is known.
  • Includes a guaranteed 72-hour setup: You’re just one click away from getting control of your patient billing revenue — this week.
  • Results in an astounding return on investment: Our hands-free automated patient billing service offers outstanding ROI!

Your patients will love how easy it is to pay, and this convenience will lead to more revenue that helps you grow your business, while also empowering your in-house team to focus on in-office patients. 

The DCS Patient Billing solution starts at $700 per month and varies based on the number of locations. The cost decreases with more locations.

Our end-to-end revenue cycle management services and solutions will transform your dental business by helping you collect more and worry less. Book a free 30-minute consultation with us to increase your bottom line today.

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