Josh Smith
November 5th, 2020
4 Metrics to Monitor for a Successful Dental Practice Running a successful dental practice can be challenging. Not all dentists and office managers know which indicators tell them if they are running an efficient business or one that just needs more work and guidance.
Josh Smith
September 1st, 2020
Dental offices often wonder if posting dental insurance claim payments by procedure is important. You may be a dental office already posting by procedure, but don’t really know why. Maybe you post total claims payments as a single payment, applying to the entire claim rather than by line item. Dental offices do things differently.
Davy Clay
December 12th, 2019
It happens often that doctors and OMs believe their aging report is an accurate estimate of receivables owed to the practice. Because the report says a certain amount is outstanding, the belief is that this is exactly what they should be able to put in their pockets. Unfortunately this is not true. Understanding why is crucial to predicting your actual insurance payments based on the numbers in your insurance aging report.
Davy Clay
April 21st, 2016
I get these job ads across my computer daily for dental offices trying to hire an Insurance Coordinator position. Every single one of them requires a minimum of 2-3 years experience in the software, whether it’s Dentrix, Eaglesoft, SoftDent, OpenDent, Practiceworks, etc. I saw this one earlier today,
Davy Clay
March 3rd, 2016
That’s a great dental billing company question. Someone asked me this question recently and my answer was yes. Here’s why. Dental ClaimSupport is a service, not a product. Here’s the definition of investment: